
Thursday 7 December 2023

Beach Week:

The highlight of the year which many of our Year 6 students mention in their speeches, Beach Week! We are so fortunate to be able to access the beach the way we can, and do! We have developed a great connection with the Worser Bay Boat Club over the last few years and again we have benefitted from the amazing 'Learn to Sail' programme they run. All of our students have had the opportunity to sail and most have seized it.
And the weather has been incredible! We celebrate the conclusion, for the time being at least of our Moanamana Inquiry with a presentation of some of the learning at the Boat Club this Sunday from 10:00. This is a great way to conclude our learning for the year and has helped us remain focused on the important journey we have come on with Moanamana, upholding the Mana of the ocean. Some examples of the work we will be sharing.
And our Survey results:

Friday 1 December 2023

Joke Night:

Joke Night turned out to be quite serious. Seriously FUNNY! We showed the best parts of our characters; grit, energy, bravery, and of course humour. If there is a Character Strength of Silliness I think we possess it in spades. When viewing these short plays, the learning that went into them might not be apparent. We have explored the world of comedy and considered the very personal nature of comedy. What I find funny, you might not. Last night's performance demonstrates that our students are developing a good understanding of comedic devices and tools. Most maintained that ever so important straight face, delivering their lines deadpan. Not easy! The fact that this was the first time many of us have performed in front of a crowd is another achievement and sets us up well for future adventures on the big stage, under the bright lights, ah....Broadway beckons!