
Friday 12 April 2024

Celebrating Writing in the Māhutonga Matariki Whānau

We have a wonderful positive literary culture in our Whānau. The Library is running full steam ahead, the reader's noses buried in books and our writers too are fully engaged, creating amazing stories and poems. Beth recently surveyed our students to see how they felt about writing and whether or not they see themselves as writers. Overwhelmingly the responses were positive. We work hard at Writing and do it multiple times a day. We write for many purposes, sometimes to inform, sometimes to entertain, sometimes to convice or persuade others to think about an issue in a different way. Sometimes we write for the joy of it, seeing something of oursleves, our thoughts, feelings and sense of humour emerging on the page. This term we have written stories based on personal experiences, retellings of myths, and many poems. The poems below invite a comparison between a chosen animal and some of the kid's attributes and behaviours. A good challenge which involve the students thinking creatively, choosing the best words and arranging them in the best order and working with a set form. Enjoy!