
Tuesday 13 October 2020

Basic Facts Games

We are starting back into Maths sessions with a hiss and a roar! To get our brains 'switched on' to maths we have been doing quick fire games to begin our sessions. These are FUN they also help us to have quick recall of facts - neat! Some examples are here with pictures of students playing them:

What you need:

  • The game template 
  • Counters in two colours
  • Two markers to indicate the numbers being added.
What to do:
  • Player One starts by putting a marker under two numbers in the row below the board.
  • The numbers are added and the answer on the board is covered with a counter of their chosen colour.
  • Player Two moves only one marker to a new number in the row beneath the board. The new combination is added together and the answer is covered with a counter of their chosen colour.
  • Play continues until one player has four of their counters in a row vertically, horizontally or diagonally. They are the winner.
  • If the answer to adding two markers together is already covered the player loses that turn.

Forehead Addition
What you need:
  • a pack of cards (Jack= 11, Queen =12 etc)
  • 3 players
What to do:
  • Two players are 'the Guessers', the other is 'the Adder'. The cards are all together in a pile
  • The Guessers both grab a card and (without peaking) hold it to their forehead,  so the other two can see it.
  • The Adder looks at both the cards and says what the two numbers add to, for example, if there was a 2 and a 3 the Adder would say ' 5'.
  • The Guessers then look at the others forehead to work out what their card is. If a guesser saw their buddy had a 2 they can work out theirs must be 3. The winner calls their number out first.
  • The winner is the one who collects the most cards.

1 comment:

  1. i like games and maths so this would be a good game for me.
