
Saturday 30 October 2021

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind?

Worser Bay Athletics- Friday 29th October

This term we will have a big focus on Positive Health. Our Inquiry is called, "Healthy Body, Healthy Mind?" 

Our Inquiry will involve the Science of the cardiovascular system, healthy eating and learning about the importance of sleep and, of course, being active. We will be keeping a Health Journal, collecting personal data, goals, etc. We hope also that this intersects with some Positive Purpose, doing good for others and giving back in some way. Our students will be leading what this will look like.

The Institute of Positive Education, Geelong Grammar School says that "Health is a cornerstone of a holistic model of positive education. Within the model, health is defined as practising sustainable habits for optimal physical and psychological health that are developed from a sound knowledge base. Evident by this definition is the notion that health consists of multiple components and that complete health is achieved when a person is physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally well." Read more in the Positive Health Literature Review

We are using the “SPIRE” acronym to help us to set goals.

Spiritual Well-being: Leading a meaningful and moral life and living mindfully, while contributing to the greater good.

Physical Well-being: Cultivating a healthy body through exercise, nutrition, and adequate rest and recovery.

Intellectual Well-being: Acquiring knowledge, engaging in rigorous scholarship, cultivating creativity, and fostering the love of learning.

Relational Well-being: Contributing to, and in turn, benefiting from other people by focusing on the role that the person plays in his or her social environment.

Emotional Well-being: Increasing one’s ability to experience pleasurable emotions while acquiring the resilience necessary to effectively deal with painful emotions.

This is our initial session on "energy."  This is based on extensive research by David Keane:

We have started our Health Journals. We are measuring our improved fitness over time. We have initial data from a beep test. 

We will also monitor and track data on across 4 exercises: 

push ups

tricep dips 

leg raises

We have put ourselves into fitness groups. Some of us will be pushing ourselves to our limits, while others prefer a more gentle exercise routine. This is the route we will either run, run/ walk or walk on a regular basis. 

Zane: Yesterday I did my first health journal. I went down the hill saw my house then went up the zig zag. My legs started to hurt but I got to school. Haru helped me and I helped him We also did burpees, tricep dip push ups and leg raises.

Lisa: This week was real fun I really enjoyed doing our run on Thursday my favourite activity afterwards was the leg lifts. I also enjoyed doing athletics I came around five or six on most of them my favourite one was long jump

Ethan B: We had to put ourselves into groups from four to one. Four is like you will do walking and you don't really want to run. Group one is like you really like running and you're fast. I put myself into group two and we went for a pretty big run it was quite hard but it wasn't super, super hard.Then when we came back we did a lot of exercise. We did tricep dips and they were quite hard but to me they weren't the hardest thing that we did. We also did leg ups they were probably the hardest to me. We also did burpees they actually might have been the other hardest one to me. They were really hard and doing the push ups in them were really hard. Then we did push ups and they were still very hard.

Petra: I found the fitness test REALLY, REALLY, REALLY hard. It was EXHAUSTING! First, we did a run down to the beach. We didn't go to the beach though. We didn't cross the road to the beach. We kept walking to a pedestrian only path with white hand railings that zigzagged up. After we finally got back to school, We did lots and lots of exercise. We did Burpees, Tricep Dips, Push Ups, and Leg ups. I was EXHAUSTED afterwards.

Fabian: We had to a big run to the beach and up the zig-zag way. After we did tricep dips, push ups, burpees and leg raises. I used my legs and arms and I have to work on my tricep dips.

Charlotte: I found the fitness challenge hard after doing it for a long time but it was kind-of fun. We did tricep dips, running, push ups, leg raises and burpees. It was kind-of hard because we did twenty tricep dips and ten of the rest and then we did all of them for one minute each. I used my upper body muscles.

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