
Tuesday 24 September 2024


Orchestra members attended our second big Orcestra Extravaganza, the Wellington Orchestra Festival on Monday. There were close to 150 musicians involved, an incredible number. The orchestra was made up of a huge variety of instruments from strings, guitars, wind instruments, keyboards and percussion. The end result after a day of rehearsals together was an afternoon concert where the six pieces were performed to parents. The students showed determination and enthusiasm as they challenged themselves with new music styles and skills. The pieces played were: Pepeha by Six60, The Jurassic Park Theme, Moritat (Mack the Knife), Toreador Song (from Carmen), Big Fish, and Another Day of Sun (from the movie Lala Land). So, what did the kids who went think of the experience? Sammy: I enjoyed it and I want to do it again. Finn: The hours were very long and my legs hurt but it was fun in general. My favourite song was Pepeha, I played both the bass and guitar parts on the keyboard, it sounded really good. Jack: I really enjoyed it, it was really fun and I'll definitely do it again. My favourite song was Pepeha. It was pretty easy and fun. Amelia: I loved playing in the big group because all 160 people sounded so good togher. Even though I didnt know all the songs I felt I did well. My favrouite song was Big Fish. It is a Chinese song. There were some bits that all the violins plucked the strings. I thought it sounded so good. Cam: It was so fun playing guitar all day it was great! My favourite piece was Pepeha. Finn: It was really interesting and fun. Marco: It was really worth the effort and if everyone keeps trying they can do it too. Alexander: It was fun. It was hard and I feel proud that I did it. It sounds like an amazing experience. Thanks to Kirsten for taking our entourage of minstrels.

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