
Friday 20 May 2022

WBS Cross Country

Cross Country

Year 1’s, do a half lap.
Year 2’s, do the same.
Year 3’s, do one full lap.
Year 4’s, do one full lap.
Year 5’s, do two whole laps.
Year 6’s, do two and a half laps.

If you do a whole lap you would run to Annie.
And if you did a half lap you would run to Chloe.

Year 4’s were late so the order got muddled up.
So it was year 1’s, year 2’s, year 3’s, year 6’s, 5’s, 4’s and that was the order of the year groups.

John would line year group by year group “Ready, steady, GO” he would say, and then we where on the run.

Leo K: 
When the Cross Country was happening, I was really nervous. When the person said "Year 5 boys you needed to run on the hard sand because it was easier to run." Last year I did not get on the hard sand but needed to go on the soft sand. This year I gave it all I've got and needed to run to the end of the beach and back 2 times. The good news is that I came 4th place! I am really happy and felt Positive Accomplishment and I made it to the Eastern Zones. After I ran, we cheered the other people on. 

When the run started I was very nervous but a little excited. I was getting more nervous when I saw the little kids run. When the race started I was a little scared but when the race was finished I used a lot of Grit and bravery and I persevered a lot.

The Whistle blows. I ran with everyone, at first I was scared I wouldn't make it in the top five. I was in 8th at the time. Heaps of people were in front of me. I was running so much we were all in a group running we made it to the rock we ran. I sprinted as hard as I could towards the hill. I was going quite slow because of the sand under my feet. I ran when I got to the other side of the hill. Somebody ran in front of me. Then we were almost at the finish line, when the person in front went the wrong way. I knew that was my moment to run! I ran super fast, he was right behind me. I was at the finish line, I ran as fast as possible. I needed to dial up perseverance because it was hard. I got there and fell over from how tired I was.

I walked in a line onto the start.
“Okay you have to run around Jeffrey the rock up the path along the grass and back to here. Do that two times and half a lap, which is where you just go up the path and on the grass and to the finish” John bellowed.
Ready set GO.
me and 6 other year 6 girls sped off the start line. I was in 4th, but when we got to Jeffrey there was water sloshing up to the rock so we couldn’t run around it. Annie made a line we had to cross. I was coming in first place.
All of us were running in pairs, me and Olive were having a nice chat  year 6s had to do 2 laps and a half lap.
When we came up onto the path lots of people were there cheering us on on the grass and at the finish line.
I had to dial up perseverance and zest!

Finn H: 
Cross Country was awesome!
It was SO cool because I. Got. Into. The EASTERN ZONES!!!!😃😃
At the start I stayed just behind the people in the front (because I was just jogging), then they got tired out once we were about half-way across the beach because they had used all their energy. People started to drop back like flies! I had to use Perseverance to keep going. At the end I felt good, tired and a stitch. But it was worth it!

Cross country is when you do a big run. I’m going to say what had happened when I did Cross Country. I was pretty nervous. It was a long run. I was going barefoot because we were at the beach. It was a cold day and that was a good thing so I would not get too hot. When it was time for the Year 5 boys to run everyone started running full speed and I got 9th place so it good. I had to use lots of Grit because I didn't want to give up. I wanted to keep going without stopping. I felt really proud of myself when I finished. 

We were getting ready to run.
Year 1,2,3,6,5,4 it was a crazy day!
When it was the year 4s turn my heart was racing so fast like a plane.

My heart was thumping in my chest like crazy, as I stepped onto the starting line. The wet sand crunched under my feet and the cold breeze whipped across my face.
The sky was grey and the sea was icy and dark.
“Listen up!” Yelled John. “You’ve gotta run from here to jeffery, cut up the path past the changing sheds, along the grass and back here, Do that twice and then do a half lap, just up the path and along the grass again.”
“Right, On your marks, get set, GO!” Hollered John.
Seven girls sprinted off the starting line, then I remembered mum’s words. “Don’t sprint at the start, jog. Make it feel like a big long trail run.”
I slowed down, so did Lisa. One by one the girls dropped back, we took the lead.
Up ahead, I saw Annie in a bright yellow vest waving us to jeffery. I touched the line she had drawn in the sand and took off again. “GO YOU GUYS!” Yelled Lucy as we passed her.
As I moved onto my second lap, my breath began to sound raspy. I kept on going.
The parent’s and the other kids cheered me on as I shifted into the half lap. The sand felt soft under my feet as I ran up the path. The grass soaked my shoes as I ran on the grass.
“GO OLIVE! GO LISA!” Everybody was screaming.
I felt my heart race as I raced into top speed. The crowd cheered wildly as I crossed the finish line. I was overcome with Positive Accomplishment!


  1. Darragh. This was very fun and I enjoyed it a lot.

    1. wow that looks real cool but i don't remember doing that

  2. I love CROSS CONTREY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🏃👍👍😍😄
