This is what happened:
Nicola goes down the bank from Nicola Stevenson on Vimeo.
Brian (a ranger from the council) came in to talk to us about the fauna in our local area.
Brian talked to us about pests. He held up a picture of hedgehogs. Hedgehogs look cute, but they eat lots of our native insects. We are holding insect legs in the picture (above). Hedgehogs can eat all of these insects in one night.
This is poo from different pests. We will investigate what animals the poo has come from. Find out more about pests at:
Brian showed us a homemade trap. We have been designing our own traps.
Watch this space...
Thank you for taking me down the bank. It was great to hear about what you guys have already learnt. Thank you to Brian for your time and talking to us about the pests in our local area! Great to see so much passion from everyone. Nic