
Friday, 26 August 2016

Orange Day Entertainment

Today we performed and represented Worser Bay School for over 1000 children at the Michael Fowler Centre.
We had to bring the character strengths of bravery, teamwork and creativity to the stage!

" I was nervous at the start but once people started to wave their arms and clap I knew they loved it and I felt warm and confident" Betty-Jo
" I was more nervous than I had ever been in my entire life, but once I started singing I felt like I was meant to be on the stage." Olivia

We are so extremely proud of these 2!


  1. Oh wow! You guys brought a tear to my eye when you performed today. I am so lucky to have been there to watch this performance. I am so proud of you! I know that everyone else at WBS is too. Nicola

  2. Wow, you guys sound amazing! What a great experience for you too!

  3. Thats a really a great version of the Imagine Dragons song - we actually sing it at assembly but we don't do it acoustically like that, so I really enjoyed the performance. It was really interesting to see that you had over a 1,000 students there at the venue that's a huge crowd and would have made your nervous I would have though. You just did an amazing job that everyone seemed to enjoy so well done!
    Mr Webb and Room Three, Auroa Primary School, Taranaki
