
Tuesday 28 June 2022

Phizzing with Physics : Science Fair

Our students are working away at their own Inquiry projects at the moment. They have four steps to work through before we can celebrate next week. We have been learning about a famous physicist and the research they do/did. 

We are finding new and exciting ways to share our thinking/hard work. We are sharing through poster, comic, movie, essay the list goes on. 

We're looking forward to sharing our finished work next week.

"Everyone is getting closer and closer to their finished projects! The Science Fair is in only one day too, so everyone is rushing to finish their projects in time. We have had 1-2 weeks of just researching and making prototypes. For example Oli’s group is researching gravity and Einstein.Doing all this stuff with science helps us learn research skills. We hope you can watch the Science Fair online!"

- Nicolas


  1. that's so cool

  2. That looks amazing! It looks like you're using the force.
    - Olive

  3. that looks so fun it must be magic

  4. that is so cool

  5. Wow this is cool you have been working on making comics/posters this seems hard Teddy

  6. that’s good that you did Long walk
