
Wednesday 31 July 2024

'I am a Thinker'

Our 'Survivor' adventure has continued into Term 3 with a fresh focus on creative, original and outside-the-box thinking. This aligns with our Term Three Learner Attribute: 'I am a thinker'.

The Learner Attribute 'I am a thinker' encompasses several important qualities. It means our tamariki use critical and creative thinking to solve problems and make decisions, analysing situations and coming up with various solutions. They show curiosity about the world, ask questions, and seek to understand how things work, demonstrating an eagerness to learn more. 

Reflecting on their learning and thinking processes, they consider which strategies work best for them and how they can improve. Open-mindedness is also a key aspect, as they respect others' viewpoints and are willing to consider alternative approaches. Independence in thinking is evident as they can work on tasks without constant guidance, forming their own opinions and conclusions. Additionally, they make connections between ideas and use logical reasoning to understand concepts and solve problems.


Creativity is another crucial element, as they use their imagination to come up with original ideas and see things from different angles. Altogether, these attributes help children develop a strong foundation for lifelong learning and adaptability in different situations.

The Week Two 'Survivor' activity involved students working in their groups to build the longest paper chain possible with the materials provided. At the end of the allocated time, the chains were compared side by side to determine which group made the longest one.

In this activity, the attribute 'I am a thinker' played a crucial role. Students used their problem-solving skills to figure out the most efficient way to cut and assemble the paper strips, considering how to maximise length with the given resources. Their curiosity and inquiry drove them to ask questions about the best techniques and strategies for constructing the chain. Reflection was key as they continuously assessed their progress and thought about adjustments they could make to improve their chain's length. Open-mindedness allowed them to consider and integrate various ideas from group members, fostering collaboration and innovation. Independence in thinking helped each student contribute unique ideas and solutions, while logical reasoning enabled them to understand the cause and effect of their actions in the chain-building process.

Creativity shone as they brainstormed and implemented original methods to connect the paper strips effectively. 

We are looking forward to more exploration of this Learner Attribute in Term Three!

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