
Thursday 4 July 2024

Mood Boards:

One of our big plans going forward this year is to develop blankets as artworks for auction, a fundraiser for The Wellington City Mission. The designing an artwork involves many facets; choosing the colour palette, developing symbols and images which 'tell the story', finding key words and relevant quotes and looking at artists models for further inspiration. All of this planning goes together on a Mood Board. We are basing our designs on relevant stories, stories which are connected to us here at Whetūkairangi Pā or to our whenua. Soime of these include, Mauī fishing up Te Ika a Mauī, Kupe chasing to Wheke o Muturangi, Tane te Wananga seeking and retrieving the Kete of Matauranga or knowledge as well as stories connecting to our more recent history.
We have been collecting balnkets from op-shops. The next job will be making selections of designs, getting teams together and seeking artist mentors to help guide the work. If you know of anyone, an artist or textile artist; a weaver, knitter or stitcher who might be interested in supporting us, please let either Rose or John know.

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