
Thursday, 19 December 2019

The Poroaki

We have been continuing to develop our Pōwhiri, Mihi Whakatau and Poroaki. We were given the opportunity recently to learn more about the Kawa and Tikanga of these significant events so that we can make sure we are acknowledging our mana whenua, those who came before and the significance of this beautiful place we call ‘Whetūkairangi’. Kawa and Tikanga, as well as our special school context, guide the formalities for Pōwhiri, Mihi Whakatau and Poroaki.

The whole school Poroaki was to formally farewell all leavers and their whānau and to wish them well as they travel onwards. At the Poroaki we gifted a taonga pounamu to each Year 6 student. This symbolises the Mauri of all their experiences at Whetūkairangi and the mana and good wishes of the school community, embodied within to let them continue to Flourish.

Megan: My pounamu is very special to me. It is as if it has magic powers. It will help me to remember my Worser Bay whānau and my Character Strength of Bravery. I have so many special memories at Worser Bay. 

Raffy: Worser Bay School has taught me so many things that I will remember for the rest of my life. My pounamu will help me to remember these things. I felt happy and proud at the Poroaki. When I did my speech afterwards I felt a mixture of emotions. Sad and excited!

Hunter R: I feel like going to Worser Bay has helped me to get on stage. I feel more brave and confident now. My pounamu will help me to remember this. It will remind me that I can do it, even if I am nervous. 

Ruby: I feel like the teachers really care about us. They make so much effort into the leaver's events. I felt that the Poroaki was very special. I have learnt courage and bravery at Worser Bay. My pounamu will remind me of courage and bravery. 

Izar: My pounamu will remind me of Worser Bay School. It will help me in the future to use my bravery when getting on stage. 

Katherine: My pounamu will remind me of all of my friends and all of the fun things we did at Worser Bay School. It will help me to keep connected to other people. 

Dylan: My pounamu is special and will help me remember the teachers, my friends and the spirit of Worser Bay School. It will help me to persevere. 

Thomas: I have had so many opportunities at Worser Bay and have made so many friends. I will remember this when I wear my pounamu.

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