
Sunday 28 May 2023

Positive Purpose Days

On Thursday and Friday we enjoyed Positive Purpose days. A big thank you to the Scots College students who came to help out!

Within the model of positive education, positive purpose is defined as understanding, believing in and serving something greater than yourself and deliberately engaging in activities for the benefits of others.

This will help us: 

- initiate contributing to others in the school community 

- develop a sense of responsibility to the world and a commitment to helping others develop leadership

- organise and implement activities for other students 

- develop agency with an increasing amount of self-direction 

- develop communication skills

Some of us ran workshops across the school 
Thank you for the movie, Tui

Some of us moved bark and sand to make the playground a better place
Thank you for making the movie, Tui!

Working Hard Movie 
Thank you, Lexi

Tommy: We had positive purpose days and the first day we had to move bark and more bark but luckily we had some year 10s to help us move the lots and lots and lots of bark and now the playgrounds looks amazing. We also did very fun computer ICT jobs I would like more positive purpose days and I would like to have more time doing the computer ICT.

Marcia: This week was really fun because on Thursday and Friday we got to do gardening with John and the other year 5s. We went over the fence to pull the things off so the plants that we were growing had good sunlight.

Chloe: This week my plus was working with Beth for the zine committee on the Positive Purpose days. I liked lifting sand in to the sand pit also working on the whare at lunch and working with the Autahi kids. Positive Purpose days was really interesting. 

Ethan Q: I enjoyed doing the workshop with the juniors and teaching them how to make the algebra puzzles. I enjoyed moving the bark chips and pulling stuff out in the garden. I enjoyed being in the ICT group it was fun posting different things on Seesaw.

Zen: This week I like doing paper airplanes for the little kids because they seemed to fly like one hundred meters in the sky and the little kids liked it. I liked doing Positive Education.

Soma: My weekly goal was using positive purpose by helping little kids with learning, participating in groups, challenging myself and focusing on my report to try to get it done. My favourite part of the week was when my brother came to school and helped us move the bark chips to the playground and sand to the sandpit.

Scarlett: I showed positive purpose by helping moving bark and I helped in the garden and I did work shops with people that I have never worked with before. When we were moving the bark chips it was very heavy but I got it done.

Locky: I was involved in positive purpose this week like building the whare. We picked up bark all the way for big kids. We finished it off in 2 days. We helped in the garden for a long time. We got really dirty but that makes it good. We’re putting in hard work I love putting hard work.

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