
Saturday, 24 March 2018

Growth Mindset Messages in Maths

If students have a Growth Mindset in Maths it grows their Maths brains. Growth Mindset messages need to be reinforced at home and at school!

Carol Dweck, Professor of Psychology at Stanford University says that when students are in a fixed mindset they see that effort means that they are dumb. When students are in a Growth Mindset they understand that the effort and difficulty will help them to get smarter. This is when their brains grow as they are making new connections and they are "really, really learning."

She says that praising student intelligence and talent is harmful. This puts them in a fixed mindset. It makes them afraid of challenge and less resilient when they make mistakes. If they have a fixed mindset, they only care about looking smart.

It is very important that parents and teachers praise the effort, the strategies that students use and the persistence that they show. This gives students a Growth Mindset. This helps students to overcome obstacles and stick with challenges when they are struggling.

We need to make sure that we are all using Growth Mindset messages in Maths (and also in other areas of the curriculum too).

These last few weeks, we have been really proud of our students who stuck with the challenge of designing their own "Greener Worser Bay School."

These students designed a bird feeder- this is their prototype

We have also been excited to see students celebrating mistakes in Number Talks. Some of them have even started to do a mistake dance when they get things wrong. It is great to see many of our students taking risks and having a go.

Thursday, 22 March 2018

Skyping with Auroa School

Yesterday, we Skyped our friends at Auroa School in South Taranaki. We talked about the year and what we have been doing recently. They have been doing athletics and lots of other work. They have something called Harold the giraffe . They are learning about a Growth Mindset and we are too. They have had a good start to the year and we are looking forward to Skyping with them more and learning together.

By Yasmin

Pedal Ready - learning to cycle safely

Many of our year 5 and 6 students have had the opportunity to take part in Pedal Ready this week (one group have been rained out).  It's all about getting our tamariki safe and confident on their bikes and is a fun and engaging programme provided by the Greater Wellington Regional Council. Many thanks to the instructors.

Pedal ready

Today we had a great time with pedal ready. Pedal ready is a biking company that come to schools all over  NZ to make the children more confident on their bikes. We have learnt some new skills like:
The stop sign
Using our gears
Looking behind us
Checking our helmet

Checking our bike
By Nell and Isabel

Today we did pedal ready which is program for kids to get more confident biking we did level 1 we learnt how to, signal, bike and helmet check, tight turns, brace, what the important features are and the safety of the bike .

Into the Bush at Centennial Reserve

Forest Protectors 

We spent an AMAZING day in the bush at Centennial Reserve on Monday.

Nest building for the fat Kereru.

Joakim and Sophie set up a series of activities for us including Find the Pest, Sketching, Nest Building, Identifying Species and a good Discovery Walk.

We were really impressed with the amount of work which has already been done by the Motu Kairangi group who have planted thousands of plants there in the last 5 or 6 years. The good work is paying off with many invertebrates in evidence and for much of the day we were accompanied by a very friendly Piwaiwaka or Fantail.

Kids noticed all the details including this formidable looking Weta and a sketch of a fern.

To finish the day off we scattered Tawa seed deep in the bush. In 50 years time we hope to see a Tawa forest there with numerous Kereru hanging from the branches.

We are looking forward to following this visit up with our own projects.

Moving March Walking Bus

The Walking Bus!

Leaving the Depot!

Our Moving March Walking Bus is under way.  Many kids are already making there way to school on the
Waewae Express but we are encouraging more people to, literally and figuratively ‘get on board’.
Whether you are walking like these guys or choose to be Pedal Ready and ride your bike, they are all
good initiatives.  We are serious about sustainability and this is an important part of the Big Picture.
And, what’s good for the health of the planet is also good for us!
If you would like to know more about this initiative please contact either Scott or John
(our Enviroschools Coordinators) or simply add you name to the google form.

Happy walking everyone!

Why our school needs a bird feeder!

In our Literacy and Inquiry time we have been looking into the possibility of developing area of the school to make it more 'green'. Dylan and Adam are thinking about getting a bird feeder for our school. Check out their idea!

Why our school needs this bird feeder.

This is our idea for a bird feeder. We think it will work really well on a big tree on bottom grass as it has

a really big branch so the bird feeder can hang off it.

The bird feeder will be made out of PVC pipe, wood, metal rods and gardening string. We have
chosen these materials because we think it will hold well together. We are going to use recycled timber
so that is is good for the environment. We were also thinking about using materials that are from our
recycling bins to make bird feeders - we could use nutella jars, milk bottles or any other plastic things
that could fit. We are going to develop this thought more. We aren’t sure whether we want to paint it or
not because we are worried the birds might scrape the paint off, and eat the paint and it could poison

The bird feeder will help to attract more birds. On our bush walk, Joakim told us it is better to
have a bird feeder rather than a bird house. He said that birds choose where their nest will be so if you
have a bird feeder, they are likely to choose to put their nest near the bird feeder. Attracting more birds,
will help make the area better. At school we love to look at birds and hear birds so then we can do even
more research about them. We would love to have native birds in our school because they are really
important. They are important because they only exist in New Zealand. It would be so cool if we had so
many native birds that they even flew to other countries.

How will it help ecosystem? By having more birds, this will help there to be more trees. This is because
birds poop out the seeds of trees and drop the seeds in new areas. By doing this, we could spread more
ecosystems. If we want more native trees on the peninsula, we will need more birds because they need to
be balanced. By having more birds, we will naturally have more trees because they attract each other.

Our next steps is to think about what types of seeds specific types of birds like. We would want to get

seeds that attract native and uncommon birds. We don't want to attract pigeons and seagulls but rather
kereru and tui and other types of birds. Even if we attract birds that aren't native, we just want to attract
uncommon birds. So we will need to know what seed attracts them.

By Dylan and Adam, typed by Anna

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

HOW TO videos

On Friday, some of us made HOW TO Videos about different things at school. We had to work in a group and creative an informative video that would help someone to understand something. We got to choose what our video was about. We are hopefully going to share these with Tautoru.

Maths tricks!

We watched this awesome video in Maths today.
Challenge: Can you master one of these Maths tricks? Have a go and if you can show Anna, there may be a reward......

Thursday, 15 March 2018

Otari Bush Visit with Enviroschools

Otari Bush Visit for Enviroschools.

The School Council Environmental group spent the day on Wednesday at Otari Bush.  
It was a fantastic day of learning!
We tested the health of the stream using a stream testing kit, noting water clarity, temperature and
observing the creatures and critters living there.  The consensus was that the stream is in reasonable
health despite the fact it passes through a suburban area. Not so good after rain though as the storm
water drains empty out into it.  And, we saw the eels under the bridge!
We spent time in the bush accompanied by Piwaiwaka, Tui, Riroriro and Kereru.  
We watched one very fat Kereru descend through the bush canopy to drink at the stream as we sat
beneath a massive Rimu.

In the afternoon we sketched in the Fernery, collected seed from the plant museum and planted them
under the guidance of Finn in the nursery.  We have brought some of them back to put in our own shade
We have some seeds from the native Hibiscus to plant at school.

Thanks to Arihia our Enviroschools coordinator, Micheline and the amazing staff from Otari and the
Botanical Gardens.

Growth mindsets in action

Today our students had a chance to show us what they know in maths.
Image result for growth mindset
Here were some of their thoughts afterwards:

growth mindset i used a growth mindset in my maths by not giving up and i wanted to try get as many things and i reread my work. at first it sounded hard but it turned out easy because i did my best!

Today I used a growth mindset in the PAT math test when I came to a hard question I persevered and found my way around feeling negative and did my best. I also found understanding a few questions hard and I tried my best to understand.
Theo B

I used a growth mindset in the maths test because I kept trying and I really wanted to get them write but at first I read through them fast and they didn’t make sense but then the questions made sense when I read through them again because I did it slower.

In maths when I did my sheet after morning tea I had trouble but I kept trying at one point I had to save one and do it when I finish the others I tried my best and I think I did great I can’t wait to see how I’ve improved

Today i used a growth mindset because i saw a question I couldn’t remember What it was if it was left or right I thought and then it popped into my mind

When I was doing my maths test and whenever I got to a hard tiff question I just said to myself I can do it and I won’t move on without an answer

Today I used a growth mindset by when we had a math test if I didn’t know one or didn’t understand it a kept trying and sometimes I’d move onto another question the go back to the one I didn’t know

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Bioblitz at Zealandia

A few of us were able to take part in a bioblitz at Zealandia today. We used an app called iNaturalist which is used across the world to help record what living things, like plants, birds and animals, are in different places. If you don't know the name of something you can just label it plant or fungi and an expert in that thing in your area will look at it and name it for you.

It's a really good way for scientists to get lots more information about the world around them as well as help others (like us) to learn about what is on the bush we are visiting. It was great to work with the youth ambassadors from Zealandia too. Maybe some of us will become youth ambassadors soon...

We learnt how to use iNaturalist and what Zealandia does for the plants and birds in this area. Zealandia also taught us how to protect New Zealand from pests. Some things we saw were: tui, kaka, a dead rat, kawakawa and sparrows.
Adam, Jan and Hunter R

We had a good time with the out door thing we did I liked that I got a very goodpicture of a saddle back . We found a dead rat 🐀 on a trap. We saw lots of native plants and lots of cool birds 🦅
Eleanor, Megan and Cameron

We went to zealandia with 8 other people today. We saw loads of birds, animals and trees. We learnt loads of plant names and we saw a brown teal ( rare duck ) and teikei ( saddleback ) tui and kereru ( wood pigeon ) kaka and thousands of other birds. We saw kawakawa and kutukutuku. We learnt how to use iNaturalist.
Emelia and Matilda

Today we went to Zealander. We learned about fish, birds and trees. Literally fish! White bate infact!! Here are some of the things we saw: Wood pigeons, Dead rats, satellite ducks and lots more.we have had a very exciting day at Zealander.
Peter, Mitchell and Solly

Football Tournament run by Student Council!

We have three student council groups at school
- the Environmental group (trapping, gardening, outdoor classroom)
- the Innovative group (Library and ICT)
- the Creative Entertainment group (PALs, Social)

They all fulfil a different purpose in the school, but the common goal is that all groups are service groups for the school.

This week the creative entertainment group have organised a Football tournament for anyone to join, on bottom court.

If you would like to join a team and have a go at football come and find one of the organisers.
If you would like to watch the tournament, come down at Lunch or Morning Tea and check it out!

Hadley has been our real life score board!
Fans going crazy!