
Thursday, 22 March 2018

Skyping with Auroa School

Yesterday, we Skyped our friends at Auroa School in South Taranaki. We talked about the year and what we have been doing recently. They have been doing athletics and lots of other work. They have something called Harold the giraffe . They are learning about a Growth Mindset and we are too. They have had a good start to the year and we are looking forward to Skyping with them more and learning together.

By Yasmin

1 comment:

  1. Dear Friends
    Thank you so much for the Skype the other day, we really enjoyed speaking to you and it was great to hear about your exciting projects. We were amazed that you haven't had Life Education at your School as we have it every year but that made us think more about it being special to us. Have a fantastic day and thank you so much.
    Mr Webb and Room Three, Auroa Primary School, Taranaki,
