
Friday 7 September 2018

Reporting live from Orange Day Parade

Friday September the 7th

This is Lily V and Joni B reporting.
Orange Day Parade was a hit, we are here to tell you all
about it:
This Friday all the year 5&6’s went on a trip to town to do
a parade. When we got there, there was a theatre and 2 kids
from Worser Bay performed a song along with other kids,
they performed their talents in front of a audience. We had
lots of fun, the other schools performed too, but ours was
the best (in our opinion.) There was a gymnastics dance, a
band and then Jessie and Ridley’s song.

2nd part

We paraded through the streets and the police closed the
streets so we could walk on the streets and chant. We had a
banner and some people held the banner. This was a fun
day and a day to remember. Best Friday ever!

Joni’s goal is to work harder and put lots of effort into
Orange Day parade next year, so that we can win!

Thank you for looking at the blog. Bye!

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